Where Girls Read for Fun
Progressionista (noun) - a woman who progresses in life through a love of reading
Progressionista Book Club based in Englewood exposes Chicago girls to the self-discovering power of reading for leisure while building a storybook sisterhood. Our monthly book club meetings feature diverse women professionals and interactive career activities related to the next fictional read. Our speakers -- or Progressionistas -- engage participants by sharing intimate stories about their careers and relating them to the group’s next book. Every meeting creates a girl power experience that further entices participants to read over the next month.
Ready to begin turning the pages while BUILDING A SISTERHOOD?
Progressionista Pledge
We read.
We lead
We Believe.
We're a Storybook sisterhood and a girl power team.
We laugh.
We learn.
We love.
We discover ourselves in Progressionista Book Club.
Our Goals
Introduce local women professionals
We introduce eight local professional women who has succeeded in life through the love of reading.
Leisurely Reading
Increase leisurely reading by 100% for all Progressionista participants.
Through leisurely reading, academic reading activities, and age-stimulating books, reading levels for all participants increase by one grade level.
local women professionals introduced to participants
Girls Served
books added to each girls' home library.